Wednesday, December 3, 2008

giving in- but only minutely, not at all completely


What a simply understated, unassuming, and yet powerful word.


It happens to be one that I don't often like to say.

Okay. I'm here. I am accepting the fact that I'm living at home right now, although it's not at all what I thought that I would be doing in my first post-college year. Mamma mia.

So, I again say, "okay." I give in, but only to the point of creating a blog that's not about my exotic travels, enlightening experiences, and foreign affairs. It's about my life at home, which, in my mind, is not an adventure by any stretch of the imagination. So, why would I want to create a blog while I'm not off traipsing around the world? Simply because this is where I am. Basta.

So, I chose this template for my blog because it kind of reminds me of my room- the location of which I am beginning this blog. It's been upgraded nicely since I've moved back home; an antiqued-bronze colored, beautiful double bed with spirals, posts, and decorative ornamentation on it that are reminiscent of grape vines is my favorite addition. I found some fantastic old suitcases- one that is almost ancient from an antique shop, and one made in Brazil of coconut husks with all these stamped postmarked stickers from around the world on it. They sit at the foot of my grand bed. I put up a tapestry as my closet door, and created photo strips that hang from my walls like film reels. Sometimes looking at those frozen memories makes me laugh aloud. Other times, it beckons tears to fall. I love the fact that, while I am addicted to black and white photography, the pictures are in color. I have a brilliant, vivid life of memories so far.

So my plan today, on day off #1 of 2 days, was to hit up Park City Mall to do some Christmas Shopping and exchange this sweater I bought for another (it had a hole in it the first time I put it on) and to go to the gym. I wanted to get some writing in with that, since I am dabbling in various ideas I have going on in the creative part of my mind. Well, needless to say, I did none of these things, short of starting this blog. I became creative for something else. pshhh.

I realize that I still need to be reading and writing, and not giving up on the things I love just because I feel that I am not fully doing what I love- be it training horses or teaching kids to ride, or living abroad, or travel writing. Life is still there for me, it's just that it consists of serving at the Olive Garden and living at home right now. I know God will show me the treasures in this one day. But, I think the person who buys a hundred oysters in attempt to find a pearl is less likely to find one than the person who orders a plate oysters at a restaurant. (true story- the restaurant one). I'll see the beauty in this one day, but I'm not going to try too hard to see it now. I am determined to find adventure as it comes to me. Right now that means partying with the people from work, most of which are unfortunately addicted to illegal substances and liquid beverages every night of the week. C'est la vie.

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